Surfing the web for information on my current book, Gender Blender by Blake Nelson, I found this little jewel:
All you have you do is enter your own information in the blanks, and it creates a personalized Gender Blender story based on your own experiences--kind of like Mad Libs with a middle school twist I tried to put myself in a middle school frame of mind as I attempted to pick out the cutest guy in school, the most annoying, etc, etc. Here's my story:
Here is your personal Gender Blender experience...
It's the big night of Joel's birthday party, the event of the school year. You're excited since everyone will be there, especially Brian, the cutest guy in your English class. You think about what to wear until you notice your reflection in the full-length mirror. You take a second, third, ok, maybe even a fourth glance in the mirror. Frantically, you run towards the mirror. At a closer view, you are even more shocked by what you're finding or, in this case, what you are no longer finding anymore. You are trapped in a boy's body--not to mention Brian's body. You oogle over your new body until a new thought hits you. Does this mean you can't marry Hugh Jackman anymore? You are determined to switch back.
Before you can even think of a plan, you hear someone's voice calling out for you. "Sweetie, are you ready yet? Stephen is waiting for you in the living room." That must be Brian's mother. You scurry to your closet and throw on your jeans and leave the room. Before you manage to get down the stairs, Stephen laughs, "Hey butt-nugget, nice outfit. Joe will be sure to look at you now!" You ignore his crude remark and quickly leave for the party.
As you two head towards Joel's house, you manage to pick up a few boys along the way. At the party, Stephen rambles, "Dawg, did you see me torch that guy in the hundred-meter? He runs like a girl!" All the boys laugh except you. You certainly didn't want to be caught torching anyone, let alone a guy. You look across the room to see Katie, yourself. You wonder if Brian was in your body thinking the same thing. You try to catch your own eye until Katherine shows up right in front of you. She says, "Hey Brian, they're playing apples to apples upstairs--want to go?" She then winks at you and you immediately feel like throwing up--you're totally grossed out. You manage to kindly turn her down by telling her that you're waiting for Katie, your real body.
"Katie, that dweeb in English class? Was she even invited to this party?!" Offended by Katherine's remark, you defiantly bark back, "Yes, she is here and personally I'd rather spend my time with a dweeb than with a thief like you." She laughs out load, turns away, and joins the other girls. Stephen smacks you on the head and screams, "What are you crazy? This could of been your chance to touch her ear." You shake your head and walk away...this was sure to be a long and weird experience indeed...
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