One of the best parts of being in a middle school is witnessing all of the funny/embarrassing antics of 12-14 year olds. Here's a random sample of some of the more interesting anecdotes I've experienced.
-Isn't YouTube awesome? A kid came up to me and started telling me about how he posted a video of himself playing a video game on YouTube and how people are now commenting on his video. I expressed how cool that was, and that led to a 5 minute discussion about the video game and how you play it and why it is the best.
-Every morning a girl comes in to check out books about dogs. Her mom told her that if she passes all her classes she can get a puppy. After much consideration, she has decided that she wants a Burmese mountain dog. This conversation somehow ended up veering into a discussion about grammar and pizza. I don't know how.
-Twilight! Is! The! Best! Book! Ever! :
"Wait, did you just say you were 'Team Jacob? I can't believe that! She just said 'Team Jacob'! Get her!!" (Said as the girls thundered out of the library. I hope the girl on "Team Jacob" is okay...)
-Google Earth is perhaps the best creation in the history of the world, at least when games are not available. Because students aren't allowed to play games on the computers, they usually end up going to Google and messing around with satellite images of their towns. I can't count the number of blurry images of houses and streets I've been shown these last few weeks.
More to come on middle school later. Plus--have you ever wanted to read a book about World War 3 AND incest? Have I got the book for you!
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